LifeVac Anti-Chocking Device / LifeVac 防哽塞真空抽吸器
LifeVac Anti-Chocking Device / LifeVac 防哽塞真空抽吸器
LifeVac Anti-Chocking Device / LifeVac 防哽塞真空抽吸器 是一種無需用電力、非入侵性、一次性使用的院前急救設備,當患者在上呼吸道有異物阻塞時及 運用現有哽塞處理方法後仍然不能成功,我們可以立刻使用LifeVac真空抽吸法把阻塞物抽出。LifeVac 產品可產生出負壓壓力比起施行腹部擠壓法的推力大3倍。LifeVac只需用數秒時間就能有效地將口腔異物抽出。
LifeVac 產品有兩種面罩分別是兒童和成人。
•此產品不適合22磅以下的人使用。 (根據面罩製造商針對兒科口罩的一般指導原則,建議最小重量為22磅。我們已確認LifeVac對於此重量範圍及以上安全有效。)
• 定期檢查口罩,並強烈考慮每兩年更換一次
<大人套裝> 內含成人尺寸面罩二個
<小童套裝> 內含兒童尺寸面罩二個
<大人及小童套裝> 內含成人及兒童尺寸面罩各一個
The LifeVac is a non-powered, non-invasive, single-use-only airway clearance device developed for resuscitating a victim with an airway obstruction when current choking protocols have been followed without success. The negative pressure generated by the force of the suction is 3 times greater than the highest recorded abdominal thrusts. The duration of suction is minimal so LifeVac is safe and effective.
- No prescription required
- Not equipped to be used on persons under 22lbs. (Based on the mask manufacturer’s general guidelines for the pediatric mask, 22lbs. is the recommended minimum weight for a proper fit. We have confirmed that LifeVac is safe and effective for this weight range and above.)
- Check masks periodically and strongly consider replacement every two to three years
WEIGHT | .9375 lbs |
DIMENSIONS | 4 × 4 × 12 in |
LifeVac Adult Mask
This product is the replacement adult mask for the LifeVac unit. Please inspect masks periodically and we suggest replacement every 2 to 3 years.
LifeVac Pediatric Mask
This product is the replacement pediatric/child mask for the LifeVac unit. Please inspect masks periodically and we suggest replacement every 2 to 3 years.